Monday, March 03, 2008

Menu Plan Monday -even more share stuff

Okay, so I haven't yet exhausted the excessive amounts of frozen foods I received from SHARE last month, and since both girls are now recovering from pink eye, and I'm not exactly feeling at the top of my game either, it's gonna be another week of convenience foods.

On a totally unrelated note: Why is it that it was pushing 80 degrees on Saturday, and snowed several inches yesterday??? I am so ready for spring!

Monday: Chicken tenders (from SHARE) and coleslaw
Honey Soy Pork Steak (still last year's pig) with brown rice

Tuesday: Buckwheat pancakes or waffles and veggie sausages
Organic Beef Chili (from SHARE) I probably will add beans to stretch it with cornbread

Wednesday: Turkey (from SHARE) and cheese sandwiches and coleslaw
Lemon Chicken Scallopini with noodles (never got made last week...or I think the week before that...)

Thursday: Hamburgers (from SHARE) and ???
Turkey Tenderloin (from SHARE) with brown rice

Friday: Tuna Sandwiches with ???
Cheese with Broccoli Quiches (from SHARE)

Saturday: Whatever didn't get made because we went to visit my MIL (we were SUPPOSED to go visit on Sunday...but Charlotte got sick and it snowed, so we'll see when we get up there) or leftovers/fend for yourself.

So, there it is...another week of excessive amounts of food from SHARE. Check out more menus over at Org Junkie!

1 comment:

Whimsy said...

Now, really. Does ??? REALLY count as "planning" ???
