Monday, March 17, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Why does it seem like I always have another week's worth of menus to plan???

Why is my kitchen never as clean as I would like it?

Why did we have to get 4 inches of snow last night?

and finally, Why is it that at least once a week blogger makes me check my cookies and JavaScript enabling in order to log in, when I don't change the settings, and I'm pretty sure hubby wouldn't bother them either?

So, here goes Holy Week menu planning (also known as working with what is in the freezer since we don't get paid until Friday!)

Monday: Lentil Rice Casserole (leftover from Friday)
Individual Quiches (from SHARE) and a green salad, or P&P Salad (if there is a lot left over from what I made for the Altar and Rosary Fundraising Salad Luncheon today)

Tuesday: Hamburgers (from SHARE), Home Fries, and Salad (Green or P&P)
Turkey Tenderloin (from SHARE), Rice, and Green Beans (no, I didn't get 3 Turkey Tenderloins from's the meal that's gotten bumped off the menu a couple of times already!)

Wednesday: Charleston Chicken Sandwiches and Green Salad
Smoked Ham Roast, Pasta-Roni and Broccoli

Thursday: Split Pea Soup (with leftover Ham Roast)
Leftovers from all the meat dishes this week

Friday: (Fast Day) Tuna Helper

Saturday: I'll figure that one out after payday and after my MIL FINALLY tells me what I'm supposed to bring for Easter Dinner!

There are plenty of other menus up at OrgJunkie.


Christine said...

I get that same message from Blogger all the time - I just ignore it and click on the blogger symbol on the top of the page. And Blogger seems to forget it told me I needed something.t

Also...I'm sure it's the same song. My husband told me that I added one too many ons to the verse. The parish he was in before we were married used to sing that song all the time. I hope you never have to hear's pretty bad.

What's a P&P salad? I'm intrigued.

Unknown said...

Now that we live in Nevada I definitely miss SHARE. It was a great way to keep within our food budget.