Saturday, August 23, 2008

Certifiably Insane...

What do you call two moms, eight children under 6, 175 lbs of tomatoes, 36 lbs of pears, 50 some quart canning jars, 20 some pint canning jars, two dozen half-pint canning jars, four batches of jelly and three canners???

Yeah...I'm tired...very tired...

However, the mission to Denver was a big success. I came home with 12 quarts of spaghetti sauce, 7 quarts salsa, 11 pints pearsauce (like applesauce, but with pears) and 12 half pints of jelly...

I also came home to a box of peaches with 20 some left, so I may have to do one more batch of canning...

Not to mention, I don't think either of us have looked in the garden recently (what with home improvement and destruction going on around here!)

Of course, I do want to show of my beautiful new backsplash (don't mind the mess...I mentioned that we just got home, right!?! And the corona box is full of canned food...not liquor!) and lovely new curtain. Sadly, I don't have a before picture, but the main reason we could afford this house was that it was unfinished (including almost no cabinet doors in the kitchen!), so hubby has stained and installed all the cabinet doors, sealed the tile counters, installed the backsplash and trim (also a almond color tile backsplash on our island behind the stovetop, which is almond colored, like the sink) and installed my new dishwasher. We have also put in a garbage disposal (the plumbers installed that one), so at this point, our only main challenge in the kitchen is to cover up the florescent lighting around the cabinets (you can see a little bit of the unfinished part in the picture...)

1 comment:

Christine said...

Wow! I am so impressed, at your canning, your home improvements, and your really neat counter - I wish my clean counters looked like your messy ones.

And yeah right about the corona box - everyone knows what heavy drinkers Catholics are. ;) I'm sure after such a busy time, you and il postino drank the entire case. (This is all in the spirit of jest, I hope it doesn't offend.) :)