Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Silly DH ponderings

If you read my first post on "So You Think You Can Dance" you know that I spend too much time A) watching junky pop culture stuff and B) thinking about that stuff and not, say, ways that I could improve my ability to provide financially for my family. Or anything useful whatsoever.

Nevertheless, I have long since been conditioned to not only "think critically" of this kind of thing (which DW is at least equally good at, the little C. Wright Mills-ette) but to also think about it with, for lack of a better phrase, an "interesting angle" in mind. This was largely developed in my too-many philosophy of pop culture classes in college, but was brought to a frankly unhealthy extreme by a German-born English professor I once had. The world is a better place because I seem to have lost the diskette on which my "Gorillas in the Mist" essay was saved.

Anyway, some of this line of thought came back to me as we were watching "So You Think You Can Dance" again tonight. Will and Katee performed a ballet routine that had been choreographed by, in Nigel's words, one of the greatest living ballet artists in the world...and his "partner." Now, I DID say, "Maybe he meant business partner," but even I am not so naive to really have believed that when both of our so-called "gaydar"s were screaming otherwise. This was really neither a surprise nor a big deal, though: the dance world is pretty much chock full of people living "alternative lifestyles" and, if we assume the best in people, i.e., that they are living chastely and trying to steer clear of any near occasions of sin, then that's fine.

The thing is, though, this routine was a beautiful demonstration of how completely complementary the male form is to the female form (and vice versa), from the head to the toe, even if we pretend for a moment that the reproductive functions aren't involved. Will and Katee were just gorgeous together, equally and yet totally differently amazing. And this is where the "interesting angle" thing comes in: God made the human form so beautiful, but not with men or women in isolation from one another. The beauty of one is all the more evident by its contrast with the other. There's a pretty compelling, natural law-style argument to be made by this that God created men to be with women and women to be with men. And I do mean, also, in the Biblical sense.

The fellas who choreographed Will and Katee's routine are undoubtedly great artists. As such, they have (whether they know it or not) a more direct feed from God's brain to theirs: they are masters of Beauty, and all true beauty comes from God. It just kind of struck me, watching, how people who may be completely seperated from God's plan for human sexuality in their personal behavior can be such powerful witnesses to it through their art.

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