Tuesday, August 15, 2006

"If you have any poo...fling it now!"

Okay, so if you haven't seen Madagascar, or been in my living room recently, maybe this title makes no sense.

PLEASE tell me that this is a sign that Eva will soon be ready to potty train!

She just wandered in here (to the kitchen, where our computer is located) wearing her t-shirt she slept in, but no pants or diaper...So, I went to investigate the diaper HOPING it was just wet and that is why she took it off...no such luck...poopy pants!

Now, this is the first time she has taken her diaper off when it has been poopy. However, yesterday, I noticed that she was sticking her hands down her pants and I told her it was time for a diaper change. Another poopy diaper then, and poop on the hands, of course...

It's been a couple of weeks since the last poo flinging incident (I mean, really flinging) where she was still in her diaper (which was poopy) but had smeared poop all over the carpet, furniture (one time) and herself...

I just don't ever want to deal with THAT again...nothing like being hugely pregnant and bathing a poopy toddler, keeping the dog from licking the poo smeared into the carpet, and using our teeny tiny spot lifter (that we got when our little pug dog was a puppy...) to basically steam clean half the living room...

Oh, and her diaper today was great, as last night we put up a 50 lb feedsack full of sweet corn, so she ate a little over a cob of corn while we were husking it on the porch. Great to see chunky corn in her diaper this morning...

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