Thursday, April 08, 2010

Small Successes


My small successes for the week:

I filled out an application for our family to host an exchange student for next year. Not sure if that makes me nuts, but if all goes well, I will be parenting a teenager and dealing with the public school system for an entire school year.

We did a lapbook for school! (Well, actually I've done a bunch of lapbooks in the last two weeks because I helped MIL with her CCD program's Lenten fair, which was a lapbook thing this year) Before last Easter, I printed out a lapbook for little kids, and I meant to do it with Eva...just somewhere in there, I forgot and lost it...then it turned up during Advent (just like the Advent wreath coloring page usually surfaces during Lent)...when I packed, I must have packed it well, because it turned up during Lent this year, so all last week, we did an activity or two per day, then did the last couple of things and assembled the book on Holy Saturday...we also colored Easter eggs that day, so double success!

I caught up on laundry for a day this week. I had all four of my laundry baskets sitting around with folded clothes all last week, and when the girls ran out of clothes in their drawers, I still didn't put stuff took a whole day to get the laundry still in baskets put away, and all the clothes washed...and of course, right now there is a load of hubby's work clothes hanging out in the dryer, a basket of folded clothes in the living room, and at least a load of clothes (not to mention some grungy sheets on the girl's bed) waiting to be washed that I don't think I'll be able to get to today...I was caught up once this week!

More small successes at Faith and Family LIVE!


Farmer's City Wife said...

An exchange student? That's awesome!

Melissa said...

Great job on Laundry! Its always a challenge at my house too.