Monday, September 18, 2006

One house down...

One to go!!!

So, here is the deal...we closed on our old house, and managed to get a little money back out of it (YEAH!) which is great since it was on the market for 9-10 months. So, we are down to one house. We extended our bridge loan until December 1st, and then we will have to get a permanent mortgage on this house. February, theoretically, we will be moving back to the farm and hubby will be farming with his family. (By theoretically, I mean, I have no idea how much we will get paid or the benefits we will get...I do know what house we will be living in out there, as one of hubby's cousins and her hubby currently live there and are in the process of getting a new house...)

SO...come January, we will probably put this house on the market. The fun part of that is that we still have plenty of finishing work to do on this house!!! So, here is our schedule for the next couple of months...

November-have a baby and close on a permanent mortgage
December-get used to having new baby, have a baptism and celebrate Christmas
January-lose mind, list house, deal with infant and toddler, hope to find a buyer quickly...oh, and get an official start date for the farm!
February-give two weeks notice, start moving, and start new life as farmer's wife...
ARGHHH!!!! Just a little stress on the horizon! Hopefully, I won't have to add "recover from major surgery" to the list...

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