Monday, September 18, 2006

Last doc appt...

Okay, I am a slacker...

My last doc appointment was on the 7th, down here...I got to traumatize a med was fun! Actually, I had my appointment and Eva's 2 year well child check (with one immunization) at the same time. The nurse took us back, and weighed us, etc. Then we waited (my MIL was nice enough to come down to help out with the appointment, so that I wouldn't have to deal with Eva and shots and prenatal crap all alone!) and heard my doc outside the door say "she's a high risk OB delivering in Denver and splitting prenatal care, and also a 2 year well child check"

In walks the poor med student...

Now, I like med's just that perhaps I am not the patient to try to learn on! First, he looked at my chart and said something about needing a glucose tolerance I told him that I had already spectacularly failed my 3 hour test, and to please not give me any glucola! Then, fortunately, he did not have as much trouble with the doppler as I expected (though much less proficient than my doc.) Heartbeat was good. He did my measurements. Now, my doc has some fabulous way of making me measure correctly (being twice a normal woman's weight in an unpregnant state does not make for good measurements while preggo!), so when I saw him at about 24 weeks, he said I measured right on (and wrote that on my chart.) So, this time, the med student determines that I am measuring at 32 (at week 28), so when I go back to my OB I'll probably have to explain that the difference in a month had more to do with different people measuring than me growing that much! Not to mention since my weight stayed the same, I have a feeling it was mostly measurement problems!

All else went fine (although appointments with med students take a long time, as they have to figure things out...) then my doc had to come in and chat with us to make sure everything was okay (and to ask me about my sugar numbers) and finally, the nurse came in with Eva's immunization. Well, I thought that between me, my MIL and the nurse, we had Eva held down well enough, but she squirmed really badly, and the needle fell out of her arm, so she had to be poked twice...though the sticker and the sucker did help make up for that!
The good news is that she is done with immunizations until between ages 4 and 6...the bad news is, she probably should get a flu shot this year, with Charlie on the way, and she will have to go in twice (and have half a dose at each visit) since it will be her first flu shot!
Anyhow, thought I should post about this appointment before I go meet Dr. Foust (I am NOT kidding...that is my OBs partner's name!!! If I were that man, I would have changed it, but I guess there are probably lots of people who don't get it...) on Wednesday!

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